Friday marks the day for the novena and devotion in honor of Sto. Cristo in Santuario del Sto. Cristo Parish. As stated in the novena booklet,” this is quite appropriate for it was on a fateful Friday that a cross was erected on Calvary, a Cross on which hung the Saviour of the World.”
This devotion has been practiced for so many years, as early as 1690, according to historical records, and attended by both young and old alike. This is attributed to the numerous miracles and answered prayers of the faithful who venerate this image of Christ crucified, lovingly called “Mahal na Poon, Senor Santo Cristo” by His devotees.

May 3 is the Feast Day of our Beloved Senor Santo Cristo. It is a grace-filled occasion to celebrate our faith together. On this day, rain or shine, many devotees fill the church to show their love and their gratitude for graces received.
Try to look at the face of Sto. Cristo and offer your whole self to Him. Visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament because it is there where He is truly present. Talk to Him, as if He were beside you, like a friend chatting together. Tell Him the good and bad things that happened to you, as if you were confessing. Tell Him your worries and anxieties, things that bother you. But do not forget to tell Him also, things that bring you joy. He is listening. Sometimes it is good to just sit and be silent and contemplate how much he suffered for love of us. Be grateful in everything. You will feel the graces He will bestow on you after spending time with Him. Your pain will be released and you will feel peace and happiness within you.
Sometimes Senor Sto. Cristo doesn’t give us exactly what we ask for. Perhaps it is because He has something much better for us. Sometimes we ask for physical healing, but if it is not possible He would surely give us spiritual healing and acceptance to His will.
Nevertheless, we should never lose hope. Be patient. Trust in Him. Have faith! “And whatever you ask for in prayer you will receive, if you have faith.” (Matthew 21:22).

Proverbs 3:5-6 also reminds us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight”.
Try to deepen your relationship with Senor Sto. Cristo by asking and reflecting on what you can do for Him and what His plans are for you. Ask Him to transform you in His love.
As Fr. Jesus Prol OP said in one of his messages on the feast of Santo Cristo, “As we look up to the Sto. Cristo, imploring His mercy in our needs, let us remember that he hangs on the cross imploring our fidelity to Him. Faith- a living faith – should be our answer.”
To our Beloved Senor Sto. Cristo, help us grow in our faith so we can share it with others with commitment and joy.

Written By: Sis. Menchie Magno