A People called by the Father in Jesus Christ to become a community of Persons with fullness of Life witnessing to the Kingdom of God by Living the Paschal Mystery in the Power of the Holy Spirit with Mary as a Companion.
To realize this vision, we commit ourselves to a systematic and intensive catechesis in schools and parishes contributing effectively to a renewed evangelization and intensifying the missionary character of the ecclesial community by catechists living out an integrated spirituality that is authentically Filipino.
Aim, Goals, and Objectives of the Catechetical Ministry
Catechesis, “situated in the context of the Church’s mission of evangelization…appears as a fundamental ecclesial service for the realization of the missionary mandate of Jesus.” (GDC 59) As an integral part of evangelization, catechesis aims “to make men and women’s faith become living, conscious and active, through the light of instruction. (CD 14) It studies the mystery of Christ in all its dimensions that people are “not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy with Jesus Christ: only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity. (CT 5)
Based on the Philosophical principles and foundation, the Goal of Catechetical Ministry is to “make Jesus Christ known so that He may be loved” through the education in the faith which includes the formation of catechists who are effective, efficient, dedicated and committed formators of the young and adults.